QDP Ep 38: Apud Biduum Virginianum

Hoc in colloquio, Augustus et Iustus et Iason et spectatores (!) de rebus et versipellibus apud Biduum Virginianum colloquuntur.

Valentne collocutores nostri, an sunt a versipellibus superati? Umquamne Augustus Iustum amabit? Quid censetis? Certiores nos faciatis aut hac in pagina (infra) aut pipiando (“tweeting”) @QDicitur–adicite #QDPod38.

Creative Commons LicenseQuomodo Dicitur? Podcast: Episode 38 by Justin Slocum Bailey, Gus Grissom, and Jason Slanga is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

4 thoughts on “QDP Ep 38: Apud Biduum Virginianum

  1. Iulius

    Salvete facundi viri! Hoc colloquium primo audivi cum id in “google” invenissem. Mihi valde placet et nunc vos novum admiratorem habetis! Ambulans laborans et fortasse modo sedens ceteros “episodes” audiam. Gratias maxime vobis ago. (ignoscete meae latinae linguae, peritus non sum).

  2. Jose Caballero

    What would it take to have you guys make audio books? Just reading the classics.
    Saint Augustine,Ovid,Cicero etc, I miself would not mind parting with a week’s wages to help you publish an audio book for your pod cast followers or supporting you on kickstart or paying a monthly membership I can read the Bible in Latin and I do so every morning. I do the nine to five and I’m a full time student I don’t think I’m the only one who would love to listen to the classics in the stolen moments during the day after all that is how I learned English. in the mean time many thanks for the podcast I will be fluent in Latin some day!!!!

    1. Iustus

      Thanks for your support, Jose, and thanks for bringing up audiobooks! We do have a project or two in the works. For now, check out the audio recordings at http://indwellinglanguage.com/latin-media/latin-audio/, to which I occasionally add recordings by myself and others. Daniel Pettersson’s Latinitium podcast also frequently includes readings of Latin texts: http://www.latinitium.com/podcastindex/

      All the best to you as you keep boosting your Latin proficiency–stay in touch!


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